Chemicals and Hazardous Materials
Chemical and hazardous materials require specially engineered warehouse facilities. Our warehouses are all code compliant with all of the local, state and national requirements. These facilities are subject to annual inspections by the local fire official who has jurisdiction in the particular area. The buildings are designed to meet both fire and building standards. We constantly evaluate the adequacy of our hazard rooms for the storage needs of our clients products. We require the review and approval of an SDS for every material prior to its storage. This insures that all goods are compatible and that they are stored in the correct storage area. Our warehouse has general storage for low hazard or non hazardous products. We have “cut off” rooms designed to store Corrosive, Toxic, and Flammable materials. These rooms are all “self contained”. This will prevent any product or fire suppression water from co-mingling should there be a fire event. Each area can be sealed and pumped to removed contaminated material. Each room is lined with a rubber membrane liner to prevent environmental contamination.
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We have rooms that are designed to be heated. These rooms are intended to maintain a steady level of heat even in cold weather. One of our warehouse facilities is designed with air conditioning. This area should maintain a cooler temperature even when the summer heat increases the temperature in the remainder of the warehouse. We have a room that has been designed to comply with the higher standards required by Current Good Manufacturing Practices. cGMP is both a standard for the facility and for its operation. Our warehouses were designed and built for the safe storage of your chemicals. This was not a retro-fit arrangement. We engaged risk management professionals to assist us to build world class facilities for you products.